Saturday, July 20, 2019

End-user Training Benefits Essay example -- Technology, Training

Many of our customers vary in skill-sets. Some end-users are knowledgeable working with specific software and different hardware components. Although most customers comprehend the basics, many of them have not received any formal training in basic computer operations. Authors Thomas and Rutter suggest that employees are aware of their lack of skills and would prefer more training. Both state â€Å"†¦. respondents were aware of their skills shortage and clearly highlighted that training †¦.on skills were of greatest need† (292). As customers become more knowledgeable in software and hardware basics, they gain a deeper understanding of how technology and software work collectively. For the customer who didn’t understand that the monitor was powered off, training will provide her with the skill-set to understand how computers function. The fact that she couldn’t see anything on the computer screen should have been an indicator that the monitor’s power was off. If she receives training on basic computer literacy and additional software skills, there is a chance that the call to IS Support would not have been dialed. Furthermore, interruptions in workflow could have been prevented, thus keeping work production continuous. Additional training will not only educate our customers, but will encourage them to learn more. As customers become motivated, Desley believes that they will become more productive and the obtainment of new technical skills will assist them in the development of their careers (2765). If employees begin to understand and develop a desire to learn more, ICT will not only be used to increase performance, but will produce greater job satisfaction and build user confidence. However, if end-users aren’t confident in their abil... A third recommendation is to provide in-house training offered by IS Specialists who support the software and accompanying hardware. At CHS, IT Support teams are given specific software applications to support. Because we directly work with the customer, most teams know their customer base and work with them regularly. Furthermore, IT specialists understand the customers’ use of the software and recognize the services that the software helps users achieve. Much like their customers, these IT Support Specialists are in-house employees and the cost to implement training is low or none at all. Additionally, IT Supports pre-established relationship with customers allow a more comfortable and relaxed environment for both the trainer and end-users. Additionally, trainers will have a better understanding of user issues because support has been provided in the past.

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